Which AI search engine is best?

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In the age of information, the ability to quickly and accurately find what you’re looking for online is crucial. This is where AI search engines come into play. Equipped with advanced artificial intelligence technologies, these search engines are designed to provide faster, more accurate, and more personalized results compared to traditional search engines. They are revolutionizing the way we find and consume information online.

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Which AI search engine is best?

When it comes to the best AI search engines, two names stand out: Andi and GPTGO. Andi, with a score of 2116, is currently considered the best AI search engine on the market. It is known for its advanced capabilities and high-quality search results. Close on its heels is GPTGO, scoring 2067, which is also highly rated for its impressive features and performance.

Other notable AI search engines include ChatGPT, Playground AI, iApply, Opera One Browser, and ZipZap. These engines also offer excellent search capabilities, with various subscription models ranging from $15 to $27 per month.

Understanding Komo: A New Player in the AI Search Engine Space

Komo is an emerging AI search engine that prioritizes speed, privacy, and ad-free browsing. This new engine provides a user experience similar to ChatGPT, with advanced search and citation capabilities. Komo’s three key features include Chat, Explore, and Search, each offering unique ways to interact with the internet and find the information you need.

Google’s AI Search Engine: A New Era of Online Searching

Google’s Search Generative Experience represents a new approach to online searching. By integrating generative AI, it is changing the way people gather information online. Launched late last year, this AI search engine has left users awestruck with its ability to provide unique, personalized responses to virtually any question.

How to Use Google’s AI-Powered Search

To make the most of Google’s AI-powered search, follow these simple steps:

  1. Open the Google app on your Android phone.
  2. Ensure you’re signed into your Google Account, with “Incognito mode” turned off and Search Generative Experience (SGE) enabled.
  3. Conduct a search. If an AI-powered overview is available, it will appear at the top of the search results.

Meet Bard: Google’s Conversational AI

Bard is Google’s experimental AI chat service, designed to function similarly to ChatGPT. The major difference between the two is that Bard pulls its information directly from the web, enhancing its ability to provide diverse, up-to-date responses. Bard, along with ChatGPT and Bing, represents a new generation of AI-powered information retrieval systems.

Interacting with Google’s AI: A Possibility for Everyone

Google’s advanced AI chatbot, known as LaMDA 2, is not just for tech giants anymore. The company has opened its AI Test Kitchen to the public, allowing everyone to interact with its experimental technologies. This development marks a significant step towards making advanced AI technologies more accessible to the public.


Can anyone use AI search engines?

Yes, anyone can use AI search engines. They are designed to be user-friendly and accessible to all internet users.

Are AI search engines free?

Some AI search engines are free, while others require a subscription. For example, Andi and GPTGO are free, while ChatGPT, Playground AI, and iApply have monthly subscription fees.

How do AI search engines differ from traditional search engines?

AI search engines use artificial intelligence to provide more accurate, personalized search results. They can understand the context of a query and deliver results that are more relevant to the user’s needs.

Can AI search engines invade my privacy?

AI search engines prioritize user privacy and use various measures to protect user data. However, it’s always a good practice to review the privacy policy of any search engine you use.


AI search engines, such as Andi, GPTGO, and Google’s Search Generative Experience, are revolutionizing the way we search for information online. These advanced tools use artificial intelligence to deliver faster, more accurate, and personalized search results. As AI continues to evolve and become more accessible, we can expect to see even more improvements in online search capabilities.

Maika Ednaya

Maika Endaya is a writer for techshift.net and has expertise in information system analysis, technical writing and creating how to guides. She has a diverse work background and is very passionate about her craft. She enjoys learning and gaining knowledge that she can use to engage and inform people through writing. Maika can be contacted via https://linkedin.com/in/maika-endaya-152914277



